Wednesday 16 October 2013

What's In A Name

The time is near for my first Spawn to enter this world and claim mankind for himself.  But to do it professionally and without the intervention of QA he will need a name. Which of course he has, but it's "super duper top secret under wraps so stop fucking asking". But the net was cast on BookFace for peoples suggestions, and suggestions there was, some shit, some which took no effort what so ever and some not bad. As this blog is mine and I can do what he fuck I want I've compiled a list of some of the more powerful, impact idea's that were floated around and subsequently destroyed by my wife.

Before we kick off a special mention goes out to my BFAM, Richard Pitts who thrown in Raiden. This actually clicked with both myself and SWMBO even though it's obviously a character from Mortal Kombat and the title of one of my all time favourite SHMUP's. As awesome as the suggestion is, nameage has already been decided and ultimately we couldn't run the risk of never hearing the grating end of it, that being "I chose that you know, that was me, me, me, that was" spuming forth from the face of said Pitts'. Sorry dude.

Anyways, suggestions, starting of with an old favourite of mine:

  • Agamemnon
  • Agamemnon Bookshelf
  • Bunty Sandstorm (suggested when it still could have been a girly)
  • Axl
  • Bal Apophis Anubis
  • Juan LoveJoyBoxSet
  • Bambos Iguanodon
  • Theseus Palpatine
  • Black Jesus
  • Valhalla DeathGod
  • Rage Vader
All strong, powerful suggestions, I think you'll agree, but winners they are not. In fact, until watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother last night I thought the winner was always going to be  Agamemnon. But no, a new heir to the title emerged. As much as I would like to take credit for the awesomeness that awesome is, that credit belongs to a character in a 'more hit than miss' 'Murrican TV Sitcom. And that winner is.......................................................................................

YES! Fuck You! I would (actually not) most probably call my first born son Vanilla Thunder. Under Awesome in the dictionary there would be a picture of his face.

So there you have it. Enjoy. I'm off to research Adopting African Babies so I can get him his brother, you know, Black Lightning!