Who is Tim!? What is Tim!? Why is Tim!? Only Tim! has these answers. Myself, Matt, Big Dave and Richie "no longer VR" Whitehouse do not have the foggiest idea.
Twas a Saturday night and snow was on the ground. After a gentle hoof around Ely's bars we ventured into The Hereward, and (only because it was snowing / bastard cold and wasn't quite as full) secured a table.
Everything was running to plan, beers were being drunk, random conversations and banter were being exchanged and then Richie decided to go outside for a smoke, thus leaving his seat vulnerable to an attack. And attacked it was, not in a stealthy fashion mind, but a complete 'not a fuck was given' drunken plonk of a random person known only as Tim!
"Dafuq is this?" glances were passed, while Tim slumbered in his new chair. What happened next is not even a blur, therefore cannot be explained but something or someone startled Tim!. Out came his old style Nokia, which was quickly dismantled and repeatedly punched into the table. Much to our amusement. It was at this point that we decided to adopt said Tim! and ply him with Jaegerbombs. (Jaegerbombs were on the menu at some point in the evening, i think we used Tim! as an excuse to start on them earlier). So i trundled to the bar and secured a £30 round of the 'Bombs.
And that was that. I have no recollection of anything further that happened before we got back to my gaff, apart from Tim! was from Newmarket. Dunno if he was a Jockey.
*Matt was reported saying to my wife the next day "it was all going nicely, a few beers were being had.... then the fucking Jaegerbombs came out". I believe he was then sick.
Anyways, proof of the existence of Tim!...