Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Things I Hate #2: Registering For Shit

Straight off, this gets right on my tits and makes my fucking piss itch! I was on childcare.co.uk searching for a child-minder. Found one that sounded just what I was looking for so thought I'd ring her up (as per her instructions). No. Fucking No. You want that information? Then you've got to register for a free account (hey, it's all like quick and easy and shit!). Except it's not. You spend anything up to a whole 5 minutes filling out a generic form, but then cannot complete the initial phase as you have to consume at least 4 cans of Special Brew just to read what the fucking Captcha says. You eventually guess that the q was a g and you're in. Except you're not, because now you have to fuck off back to your email account to click on a link to verify the account you don't actually want so you can be taken back to the beginning so you can search all over again. So I did. I re-searched and found the child-minder that fitted the profile. I clicked on the ickle bit that says 'Phone Number' to be greeted with a bunch of xxxx'x.  You want that information... no problem, just upgrade the account you never fucking wanted in the first place to our GOLD account for £19.99 a month or the absolute cunting bargain of £99 a year and you can have access to the info you do want and a shit load of other bollocks you just have no interest in. All I wanted was a child-minders number, for fucks sake. Childcare.co.uk.... you absolutely, 100% suck balls. Because you do, in fact, suck balls.