Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Shark Week

The SyFy Channel recently had a surprise hit on their hands with this:

I've had the pleasure of watching this and can safely say that it is indeed shit. In the most awesome way possible. Read the reviews on IMDB and there are not many that score it below 10/10/ The acting is dire, the CGI is actually not as bad as you would think for a film of his ilk but is obviously nowhere near Cruises' Oblivion. Hell, this film has even got a classic line... a man is being devoured (off screen) by a shark and you here him say "Ow, Get Off". Genius. My missus hated every minute of this film. I didn't. Alongside a hefty stable of genre shark fodder (Two Headed Shark Attack, Mega Shark VS Giant Octopus, etc.) this has become a surprise hit, so much so that SyFy are apparently planning a sequel. Which of course has fired up the internets photoshoppers to produce some posters for what they think should be made, and to be honest, I would watch every single one of them.......

Now, as good as all these may be, nothing is going to beat Mega Shark VS Giant Octopus. For two of the most iconic giant shark related scenes ever in the history of giant shark scenes....
  1. Said Shark takes on the Golden Gate Bridge, and
  2. Said Shark leaves the water and brings down a passenger plane 

Could these be the most important movies ever made? Maybe. Will I actually get the missus to watch '2 Headed Shark Attack' with me? Gonna go with a NO on that one. What I do know though is I eagerly await to see what shite they come up with next. (and I'm secretly hoping for a space station to be involved!)

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